Loan Calculator

Loan Caclulator

Our loan calculator is designed to give you information on your repayments should you wish to apply for a loan with us.

Whilst every care has been made in the production of this calculator, the Credit Union, or any of its staff, cannot be held responsible for any omissions, errors or other mistakes made. This calculator is for illustrative purposes only, so as to give you, the borrower, an overview of the potential cost of borrowing.

Loan Type

How Do I Apply?

Loan applications can currently be made by applying via our:

If you’re applying online we’ll need you to send us through your last three months bank statements and proof of your income i.e. your most recent wage slip or benefit letter. You can send this by email to or by post to our main office. We’ll call you when the loan is ready or if we need some more information, from there you’ll need to drop by one of our offices to sign some paperwork.

If you’re applying in one of our offices just fill in the loan application form, don’t worry if you don’t have a printer you can pick them up at any of our offices. We’ll take your loan application and other supporting documents from you and from there we will be able to advise you on how long it may take us to process your application.

You should also bring with you some form of ID to allow us to confirm your identity.
